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Lazarus With the Wu-Tang Clan Affiliate Collaborates With NASA to Release Rap Song About Space

 Wu-Tang Clan Affiliate Collaborates With NASA to Release Rap Song About Space

Wu-Tang Clan Affiliate Collaborates With NASA to Release Rap Song About Space

Lazarus, a rapper affiliated with the Wu-Tang clan who happens to be a practicing physician, is also a space nerd eager to debut his single from the ISS.

Pale Blue Dot

Rapper, Wu-Tang affiliate, and practicing physician known as Kamran "Lazarus" Khan is a big fan of NASA and space travel.

And to profess his love for both, Lazarus says he will be premiering a brand new song called "Pale Blue Dot" from aboard the International Space Station later this month, the rapper announced in an Instagram livestream with former NASA chief scientist Jim Green.

But Lazarus didn't just want to write your average space schmaltz single. Instead, he wanted to write something more realistic and grounded in science.

And who better to consult than Green, who also offered up his expertise on Ridley Scott's film "The Martian."

"I didn't want to do a song about space and it just sounds like 'OK, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about," said an enthused Lazarus.

Overview Effect

But there's a philosophical, introspective element Lazarus wants to explore in his single, too.

"There's different insights we can gain just from just being out there [in space], and looking in that can help our world and society," he said.

Lazarus added that he viewed hip hop as an ideal genre "to speak on topics like space travel, what's going on in outer space."

"Hip hop as a form of music has always been there for the art of expression and to bring awareness to subject matters," he explained.

And once he's conquered the ISS, Lazarus says wants to drop Elon Musk a line and give Mars a try. Rapping is not all Lazarus would be up to as a spacefarer, though, stating he's happy to employ his skills as a physician.

"Employ me, I'm ready!" he said. "Once I'm there, I'll take care of some patients out there, too. That would be fantastic, to be one of the first doctors in space."

Orbital Radio

Although Lazarus says his single will be the first hip hop song to premiere from the ISS, it definitely won't be the first in general.

Debuting songs from space is not necessarily novel these days, and it's hard to top Will.i.am broadcasting the world premiere of his single "Reach For the Stars" from whole other planet, Mars.

Still, if Lazarus and NASA pull through, it's still a pretty neat way to release a single. So keep an eye out for "Pale Blue Dot," which will be dropping from the ISS on March 12, Lazarus says.

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