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Thirsty Eyes Of The Farmer - Heart Touching English Poem Written By Amrit Sahu

Thirsty Eyes Of The Farmer - Heart Touching English Poem Written By Amrit Sahu 

Thirsty Eyes Of The Farmer - Heart Touching English Poem Written By Amrit Sahu

 In a land so parched, where crops did thirst,

A farmer stood, his heart near burst,

For rain had fled, like a fleeting ghost,

Leaving desperation and sorrow engrossed.

With every blackened cloud that came,

Promising respite from the scorching flame,

The farmer held hope, with eager eyes,

But alas, the clouds turned and said their goodbyes.

Oh, how he longed for the heavens to weep,

To bring relief to the soil so deep,

His fields laid barren, devoid of green,

The sun's relentless heat left no serene.

With folded hands, he knelt to pray,

Begging the gods to send rain his way,

His voice filled with longing, his heart in strife,

Yearning for rainfall to grace his life.

Then, at last, as if the heavens had heard,

A gentle drizzle began to be stirred,

The clouds unleashed their watery might,

Quenching the earth with sheer delight.

The farmer's heart, now filled with glee,

Thanked the gods for answering every plea,

For the rain renewed the land's glowing grace,

And hope sprouted in every fertile space.

The seeds awakened, breaking through the soil,

Their roots embracing the earth, free from turmoil,

The farmer danced amidst the sweet-scented air,

For the rain had banished his deep despair.

With gratitude in every step he took,

He tended to his crops, like a shepherd with a crook,

His grateful heart, forever indebted,

To the rain that arrived, as if heaven-sent.

So let us cherish each sacred drop,

That falls from skies, making crops never stop,

For the rain is nature's gift, sublime,

A farmer's joy, an eternal rhyme.

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