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Three Boys In Haunted House - Horror Poem Written By Amrit Sahu

 Three Boys In Haunted House - Horror Poem Written By Amrit Sahu

Three Boys In Haunted House - Horror Poem Written By Amrit Sahu

In an eerie place, where shadows dance and creep,

Three brave boys ventured into a house, so steep.

Unaware of the spirits that silently slumber,

They took up their game, their spirits ablaze like ember.

With giggles and taunts, they cast caution aside,

Through creaking halls, their footsteps did glide.

They raced up the stairs, each step a sweet thrill,

But little did they know, in this house, fear did dwell.

The first boy, bold and fearless, led the way,

He thought it a game, a twisted display.

But as he opened the door to a room so dark,

The air turned icy, and he felt a sudden hark.

From the corner, a presence emerged with a groan,

A specter, horrifying, whose face was all bone.

He lunged, the boy screamed, his courage did wane,

In the presence of horror, his bravery was slain.

The second boy, though shaken, stood strong and tall,

He brushed off his fear, ready to conquer it all.

He ventured ahead, down a hallway so narrow,

But the spirits surrounded him, their whispers of sorrow.

Spectral hands grabbed, at his trembling legs,

Their icy touch bound him, like unwavering pegs.

He fought, and he screamed, his voice filled with dread,

But the horror pulled him away, into darkness he fled.

The third boy, shivering, was the last to remain,

His heart pounding, his courage searched for a gain.

He tiptoed past portraits, eyes following his trace,

The haunted whispers, growing louder, his fear did erase.

In a room filled with relics, an old mirror stood,

Its reflection, twisted, seemed misunderstood.

As the boy gazed, his reflection frowned back,

Then the mirror shattered, releasing a ghastly attack.

A horde of phantoms engulfed him, their cries chilling,

He stumbled and ran, with fear pulsing, unyielding.

Through corridors haunted, he desperately dashed,

But the spirits pursued him, their vengeance unabashed.

In desperation, the boy found the haunted house's gate,

He burst through, shaken, his heart in a haste.

The horrors receded, the spirits held their ground,

Now aware of their presence, his sense of dread profound.

Three boys, once fearless, now haunted evermore,

They unintentionally awakened a spectral horror.

In the depths of the haunted house, they heard its call,

Forever bearing witness to the horrors that befall.

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